Sunday, January 10, 2010

To: Todd Drake
Thank you so much for all you have done for me. You helped me in more ways than you will ever know. Thank you for frustrating me on a daily basis by forcing me to take a step back and look at my work to find my own mistakes. If it were not for you, I would not be the artist I am today. You have truly inspired me, not only as an artist, but also as a person. I now find imperfections in everything I see...THANKS TODD!!! haha. You took the time to make me slow down and consider every mark that I make, and that it is okay to make mistakes...because you always have an eraser. But through time I became less and less dependant on that little eraser, because I now always look, and I always see. I truly believe that a person cannot just become an artist over time, but overtime the art can become a person. Once again, thank you for all of your past, present, and future support. You have not only been an instructor and a mentor, but you have also become a dear friend. I wish you luck.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

art opening

the art opening will be tomorrow night at I-Coffee - located at the intersection of hwy 150 and lake brandt rd in summerfield. opening will begin at 6 and end around 8. hope to see some people out there. my self portrait will be on display as well as several works from other art students

self portrait

self portrtait-painting 1-oil
yeah- i know..doesn't look EXACTLY like me.

i decided to do my self portrait of me crying when i was in lowes foods one evening and saw a girl about my age who apparently had cancer because the poor thing did not have a hair on her hair. i circled an isle and when i came back around there was a puddle of vomit on the floor. i turned to see that the girls mother (who had to have been in her fifties) had picked her up and was carrying her out of lowes foods. this painting reflects the sorrow for the pain of the girl, and also the strength of her mother. hope you enjoy..

something weird

this is a painting finished in painting 1-oil

keep it natural

this is a painting finished in painting 1-oil
this is the next add for breast feeding...keep it natural!

still life

this is a still life painting (acrylic)
painting 1 class

Monday, November 24, 2008

comming soon...

for those of you who do keep up with my blog, i really do appreciate your interest in my art. sorry i have not been able to keep up with things lately. my flash drive was stolen not long ago, so i have been working hard on getting everything re-photographed. i would like to thank those of you who have stayed on my ass about getting new work put up. i finally did it!
just a note of a couple of things coming up:
self portrait - i know several of you are expecting to see that soon. the medium is i am still waiting for it to dry so that i can move it to photograph it.
other paintings will be displayed soon also

oh...i will be having an opening, with some other students, at a coffee shop in summerfield called I-Coffee. it is located at the intersection of 150 and Lake Brandt rd. that will be December 4th. an official time of the opening is still pending, however im guessing it will be sometime between 5 and 6pm.

again-thanks to those of you who do view my blog. have a happy thanksgiving!!


this is a still life drawing of a skull, wine bottle, and jug. completed in drawing 1-graphite


this is a study of a rose completed in drawing 1.
this is actually a negative of the rose-charcoal


my contour drawing of a lamp-drawing 1...i think Todd likes contour drawings...

perspective at rcc

this is my 1-point perspective drawing-completed in drawing 1. this turned out as a multi-medium piece-silver sharpie, charcoal, pencil, tissue paper.

something weird..

design of something weird (?)...completed in design 1

color wheel

this is my color wheel completed in design 1

another bowl

this is another contour drawing of a bowl completed in drawing 1 (might be the same bowl...?)

the bowl

contour drawing of a bowl completed in drawing 1

bell tower

this is an observational drawing, completed in my drawing 1 class, of the bell tower at Chinqua Penn

still life

this is a still life drawing completed in drawing 1

Friday, May 2, 2008

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

this painting was completed after being frustrated from a crituque. i was told absolutely nothing about my work, when i wanted to hear everything. the whole time i was sitting there thinking "you know what, i'm tired of trying to impress you people!" it seems as though that is what art is all about to some people in college; trying to impress someone from annother college. my work is simply me. it reflects my day to day changes in the society and emmotionally. i hope others can see that.
i have used this painting to create a post card. i hope you see past the quirkiness of the words to see the real art. if you are an artist then i am sure at one point you know how i felt, and if not then you will someday.

Monday, April 21, 2008

the heart land

this is a mobile i completed for my 3-d design class. this was inspired by my heritage, which is mostly native american. i really wanted to bring the image of the native american and connect it to the land in which they use to live.

this is a contour drawing of an apple that i completed in my drawing class

Monday, April 7, 2008